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Case Study


Israel's national MRV system for GHG emissions 

> Client: Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection

Implementation period: 2016 - ongoing

Geographic coverage: Israel

Theme: Climate change, MRV, Energy, Energy policy consulting.



The introduction of MRV principles at the Bali COP in 2007 represented a major development for climate action, as it integrated the responsibilities of both developed and developing countries to enhance their actions to mitigate climate change (UNFCCC). 
Less than ten years later, during COP21, the Paris Agreement reaffirmed the importance of transparency and of a common reporting system to share information on greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation actions, as well as on adaptation and means of implementation such as finance, technology transfer and capacity-building (UNFCCC, 2015).

In this context, the Ministry of Environmental Protection commissioned EcoTraders to develop, implement and manage Israel’s national MRV system.


Ministry of Environmental Protection logo


The activities performed by EcoTraders include: 
•    Development of GHG reduction calculation of monitoring methodologies in accordance with international standards and best practice

•    Determination of SMART indicators, required data, approaches to addressing interactions between measures, and robust QA/QC procedures

•    Development of emissions forecasting model as well as data collection and storage tools

•    Cooperation with key stakeholders (from the grass roots level to national policy makers and political leaders, including Civil Society Organizations, Government Ministries and Agencies, and the private sector)

•    Data collection from Government Ministries and Agencies in accordance with the approved methodologies

•    Ex-post and ex-ante analysis of emission reduction and economic impacts of each policy monitored

• Israel’s MRV system has been implemented and is currently tracking progress from the following GHG reduction policies: 


  1. Reduced coal-fired electricity generation and increased renewable energy generation

  2. The National Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Consumption 

  3. Sustainable transport policy to reduce fossil fuel consumption and emissions

  4. Mitigation measures in Industrial, Commercial and Residential Fuel Use

  5. Green Buildings and Other Efficiency Measures in Residential and Commercial Buildings

  6. Avoided landfilling of municipal solid waste and emissions from the waste sector. 

  7. Implementation of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol (F-Gas Reductions)

  8. Other non-energy sectors: agriculture, land use, wastewater and industrial process emissions


• Preparation and submission of annual progress report to the Government of Israel

•    Submission of official international publications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:

       - Israel’s Biennial Update Report
       - Israel’s National Communication


Key results

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